Frog Tape Multi Surface Tape


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Frog Tape Multi Surface Tape

Premium grade, multi-surface painter’s tape for interior or exterior masking on cured painted walls, wood trim, glass and metal. CF 120 (FrogTape® brand painter’s tape) is a medium adhesion masking tape made with PaintBlock® Technology, a super-absorbent polymer that reacts with the water in latex paint and instantly gels to form a micro-barrier that seals the edges of the tape to prevent paint bleed and deliver very sharp paint lines.

Features & Applications

  • Premium grade, multi-surface FrogTape® brand painter’s tape
  • Medium adhesion
  • Treated with PaintBlock® Technology that seals tape edges for very sharp paint lines
  • 21-day clean removal
  • Withstands direct outdoor sunlight for up to 7 days
  • Solvent-free, high performance adhesive bonds quickly to the surface, allowing for painting immediately after application
  • *Test before use on all surfaces and when using solvent-based coatings; FrogTape® was designed for use with latex paint.